Hear From Past Members

Testimonial - Dan Kirkpatrick

Testimonial - Mae Boguszewski

Testimonial - Linda Kelly
Testimonial Letter
From the beginning, I heard the coaches as if they were speaking only for my benefit, “It’s about PROGRESS not PERFECTION.” I wanted to set crazy goals, conquer everything at once, and see results in minutes. My reality was immediately reset for the better by the stellar RENEW team. They were committed to my success, which meant coaching my mindset just as much as my daily eating/exercise/mindfulness habits.
Having weekly goals made the overall impact more tenable. With a busy life, I didn’t always meet every goal we set, but the next week I would double my efforts. The meal logging; and, more importantly, the feedback was fabulous. I learned how to tweak certain ingredients to supercharge my diet. Arming myself with the Busy Meal Toolkit, has been exceptionally helpful. I have quick and easy meals for every time of the day, no matter how busy I am.
I have worked through diets before and I couldn’t wait to get off them. There was a relief to be done. With this treat-based program along with the plate method, I know I will be able to sustain it long term; and it isn’t a pain to keep up with. It has become second nature. When I have a treat, I still think of the helpful coaching responses the cadre of RENEW specialists would provide. Though, I am glad to not have to add in descriptions of everything I eat these days. Ha!
I’ve always been told STRESS is a killer. I try to limit “bad” stress, but it is totally unavoidable, given what many of us do for a living. I’ve also always been told that I needed to meditate, which is nearly impossible for some of us with overactive imaginations. This program provided me with an alternative. I researched some of the breathing techniques and they have helped me to destress while commuting, take a moment of respite in-between hectic meetings, and stay even keeled through emotionally charged life events.
Overall, I am thankful for the program, for the coaches, and for the health system who supports it...The community needs this program...Most people THINK they know what is best for their health. This program INFORMS in an accessible way and dispels many myths about diet and exercise. I have confidence in all I have learned.
Thank you for helping to provide this benefit. Clearly the best Christmas gift I’ve been given.
All the Best,
Alexander Wemyss